Rick Pertile RH23

"Without large,
dead, barkless trees, there will be no Red-headed Woodpeckers."

King & Mueller 2005

"Average cavity height is >27 feet, average diameter of cavity trees is >17 inches."

King & Mueller 2005

The Solution

If we make red-head recovery a priority, we can be successful. In an oak-savanna restoration in Wisconsin, Red-headed Woodpecker populations increased five-fold after habitat was managed for red-heads.

Graph of red-head response to management

Source: King, etal.

We can make a huge difference! The key is to provide the habitat that the red-head needs. Areas are needed with:

Oak Savanna

Oak savanna photo from Baird Creek Preservation Foundation.

It becomes clear why this species was once considered "almost domestic." Except for the necessity to provide dead or decadent trees, their habitat requirements perfectly describe farmsteads, city parks, golf courses, and open parklands.